Welcome...We are the Friends Program.

The Friends Program works to build positive connections and solutions for at-risk youth, families and seniors. Since 1975, we have been working to inspire confident kids, increase access to stable housing for families, improve food security, improve educational outcomes for youth, enhance resources for healthy aging and leverage the power of volunteers to meet community needs across the state of New Hampshire.Join us!

With your help, we have a HUGE impact!


People, Organizations and Businesses Donated


Hours Volunteered in



Hours Volunteered Since Our Founding in 1975

Calling All Volunteers!

Our success depends on amazing volunteers, and we need you to join us. Whether you like working with kids who need a mentor, helping with events for families, or you are over 55 and want to help with community needs, we have a volunteer opportunity for you! Please reach out so that we can learn more about you and how we can work together to help our most vulnerable citizens.

Donations are Greatly Needed

We depend on your support to make our programs work. Every donation, from a $10 per month recurring donation to a major corporate sponsorship, allows us to continue to help at-risk youth, families and seniors. Please lend your support today. Thank you!

In the News

Join us as a business sponsor for 2025- a special 50th anniversary year!

As we start a new year and the 50th anniversary of our founding, we are taking time to reflect and celebrate. Over the last fifty years, the Friends Program has leveraged the power of thousands of volunteers to provide millions of hours of service to strengthen our community. Our work is not finished. The needs are complex, and we need your support more than ever to continue to build connections and solutions in 2025.

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Upcoming Events

Party like it's 1975!

The planning has begun for the party to celebrate Friend's 50th Anniversary! Save the date for October 18th- get your dancing shoes all shined up!

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One time or recurring donations of any size are welcome through our secure portal.

Donations may be mailed to our main office at: 130 Pembroke Road, Suite 200, Concord, NH 03301.

Please direct inquiries to Friends Development Director at 603-228-7604 or lmiller@friendsprogram.org

Thank you!

Emergency Housing Home Stretch Renovation

To celebrate the completion of the renovation, we are installing a new garden wall and invite you to purchase a brick engraved with your personalized message and/or company logo.

Order your brick today!